Hi there, I finally have found 5 minutes to myself to do another blog post. I can not even believe how much my little business has taken off in the last few months. I nearly had to turn down a spot in Topstitchers Season 3 but really, really wanted to do it so pushed a couple of projects back a few days so I could compete. This time the prompt given was:
History is filled with women we adore, whose closets we envy. But for every Princess Di and Jackie O, there’s an equally fashionable counterpart we love to hate. For this “Mean Girl” challenge, design a modern, wearable, (and age appropriate) outfit inspired by the Marie Antoinettes and Kardashians of the world.
Judges will be looking for wearable designs with high-fashion elements. Take risks in your designs, and be sure to tie them into the time period, reputation, or actual closets of your inspiration.
I was really excited about the project and would have loved to create a full on historic costume style outfit, the rules did state however that it had to be modern and wearable. My full comments on the outfit can be found here
Massive thanks again to Becca for involving me in such a fun project and to Annabel for being the most stunning and sweetest looking ‘mean girl’ ( I can’t even type that with a straight face – she is adorable lol) I have ever seen.
Enjoy the pics