Earlier in the week I read a story about a boy in England who turned up to his book week parade dressed at Christian Grey (complete with a handful of cable ties bahaha, 10 points to that mother if you ask me). Apparently the school was so horrified that they sent him home in disgrace, ‘apparently’ his costume reflected badly on ‘the school’s high standards of student behaviour, welfare and safeguarding’. Well I just wonder what they would have made of my King Joffrey (cross bow wielding, prostitute/baby murdering, tyranical, most hated TV character of all time) costume. Makes tying up a woman and making her say ‘yes Sir’ a little tame doesn’t it.

In saying that we put the picture up on Reddit (I wanted to show off my awesome costume as much as possible) and were absolutely crucified for it. Mind you – not for the personality that he was portraying but the fact that he was holding a plastic dagger in the photograph. We had over a million views and had a mixed bag of responses from ‘WOW AWESOME’ through to ‘how could the school let him take a weapon in’? (answer: because we live in Australia and children are more likey to be hurt from a dive bombing magpie than a plastic Power Rangers dagger – common sense people).

Well I can tell you that King Joffrey was well received at last years book week parade, ok so I don’t think many parents/teachers knew who he was – and let’s be honest he had no idea who he was portraying(he is 6 of course I don’t let him watch the show). Yes, the point is to be a book character that they know but he just thought he was ‘random prince from random fairytale’. He certainly enjoyed the fuss and applause that he received for the costume. I’m so glad I made it, he looked fantastic – he actually has similar features to Jack Gleeson (the actor who plays Joffrey) and that just added to the effect. It really gave my sewing skills a work out and the hubby did magnificantly carving the leather crown.
Oh and there was one more really, really, REALLY cool thing that happened 😉

Now how to top it for this year………
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